Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Akron Marathon Race Report (9/25/10)

Akron was the winner by a nose for my business. I was leaning toward running the Air Force marathon a week earlier to knock out Ohio, but I switched when my cousin’s wedding was the same day as Air Force. When I signed up for the marathon, I was surprised to get an email from the Race Director with a claim that the email was not a product of automation, but was sent from an actual person. I responded with my appreciation and he emailed back within 5 minutes. He kept up this personal treatment, the Akron marathon is very well run with many conveniences and accommodations.

The expo had plenty of vendors and allowed me an opportunity to buy some water bottles that I forgot to pack (not the first time for that trick). A hallmark of Akron is their top notch premium; this year’s version was a Brooks jacket. I thought about asking if I could swap out for a ladies (pink) version to present to my wife – I was later told that the volunteers would have done that to make me happy and I think that’s probably true.

I was a case of nerves before flying to Akron. I’m still not quite sure why I was so anxious. Because of the nerves, I wasn’t too surprised to wake up about 30 minutes earlier than planned (at 4 AM). I used the time to get packed up. I stayed outside of downtown, so I parked about 90 minutes before the race start and just hung out.

They have a single start time for a half marathon, relay marathon, and full marathon. This translates into one thing: lots of people at the start. Fortunately, they also had lots of port-o-johns … but once we started, the crowd was thick. I wasn’t too bothered until it didn’t clear up in the first mile, then I started to get annoyed. I almost ran over a person who stopped for the walk portion of a run-walk program.

Fortunately, I met up with two maniacs from Cleveland, Brian and Kathie. I was planning to run a bit faster but I really enjoyed the conversation, so I was happy to swap war stories. We ran together through about mile 9 when they both stopped for a bathroom break. As a solo runner, I immediately picked up the pace, but still held some back. After the split to discard the half marathoners, the course moved off public roadways onto a crushed gravel, rails to trails path that was just gorgeous.

The course returned to a more ordinary street marathon and included a trip up the driveway of an old money mansion – the Hywet Mansion – one of the founders of Goodyear. The mansion is now a museum and garden. It’s about 3 miles from the finish. I’d been calculating the time in my head and felt like I was on track for a 4 hour finish, but at the mansion, I heard some people talking about finishing at 4 hours and it occurred to me that 4 hours of clock time would put me at a PR because it took more than 3 minutes to get across the start line. I tried to keep a nice even pace and found that I could stay ahead of the people chatting about a 4 hour finish. The course generally has rolling hills and specifically, I had people tell me at least a half dozen times that I was climbing or just finished with the “last hill” – when we re-entered downtown, I knew that I really did see the last hill. I did not enjoy the hill, but was happy that it was the last. I picked up the baseball stadium where we finish and got a bit of an adrenaline boost. I cruised in at just over 4 on the clock – but after shaving off the time it took me to cross the start line, I had a new PR.

As he promised in his email to me when I registered, the Race Director was waiting at the finish to shake my hand. The stadium actually had a lot of people in it. They were listening to a band with the scoreboard showing video of the finish line. A nicely organized food tent hustled us through by giving a bag of food. I headed up to the beer tent for my two Michelob Ultras – not the best beer ever, but pretty tasty after a run. Somewhere between the finish line and the beer line, I figured out that I had hit a PR -- no way you could have rubbed the smile off my face with a brillo pad.

Final thoughts – Akron was an easy airport / car rental / hotel / restaurants … I like the small town feel. This is my favorite non-hometown road race – it’s just a great all around package.

Akron Marathon
Time: 3:56:46